Thursday, July 27, 2006

I've been using my site to organize my bookmarks online so I'll always (at least as long as operates) have access to them if I don't have my computer or my thumb drive. Now that you can upload and import your bookmarks file into, it's really easy. The other advantage is that I can share them with other folks with the same interests. I didn't share them all at first, so I'm going to have to go through them and decide which ones to share (probably the vast majority). If any users happen upon this entry, check my site out, and be patient. If you don't use, check out my site anyway: you might decide to become a user.

1 comment:

JC said...

aren't you so fancy with all your cool links and techy know-how. I just realized you have posted some responses on my blog, and I have responded to your responses. Anyway, I'll definitely check out this link.