Thursday, November 16, 2006


Just a few quick notes. I haven’t posted in a while (not that the one viewer per week has noticed), but a few things have been on my mind over the last few days:

Item: Go to New Orleans. I was there a week ago and the place is empty and people are leaving. It’s too much a part of this country’s history and heritage to allow it to die.

Item: Martin Luther King, Jr. deserves a memorial, but I think the $100 million that will be spent on the one in DC would be better spent on predominantly (and in many cases exclusively) black schools in the inner cities and rural South, or as seed money for a foundation to continue the work that he was doing when he died. His family sure isn’t doing much of anything except trying to make a buck off of his name and good deeds.

Item: Governor Mark Sanford (Libertarian-SC) latches onto every possible handhold that comes up (the latest is an audit of the state’s DOT saying they waste money—welcome to government) to argue for his pet project, reorganizing state government to make constitutional, elected positions part of a cabinet. I think instead the governor should be calling for a constitutional convention to get rid of the racist legacy of the sorry “Pitchfork” Ben Tillman, whose 1895 constitution was drawn up to disfranchise black voters as much as for anything else.

Item: James Carville needs some strange, because fucking Mary Matalin has addled his brain. Either that, or he should just sit back and raise the kids while the Mrs. runs the Republican party. If I were a Democratic leader, I wouldn’t tell him a damn thing about strategy or tactics, because Mary’ll just go down on him and he’ll ejaculate everything, literally and figuratively, right there on the living room carpet.