Thursday, May 29, 2008

CNN/ABC reporter: Corporate executives forced pro-Bush, pro-war narrative - Glenn Greenwald -

One of the best news media analysts around, Glenn Greenwald, does it again with this list of atrocities, detailing multiple instances of corporate interference with reporting the run-up to war in Iraq and subsequent ass-covering by the media mush-heads themselves.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Expelled Exposed: Why Expelled Flunks

Just got around to listening to the Skepticality podcast interview with Eugenie Scott (4/29). Good stuff on the Ben Stein propaganda piece, Expelled. See Expelled Exposed: Why Expelled Flunks for more.

Equal time for the willfully ignorant | Philly | 05/22/2008

People who insist on remaining ignorant and their voting preferences--What a country!? Equal time for the willfully ignorant | Philly | 05/22/2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rudeness (the Rude Pundit)

It's rude, but goddamn if he ain't right:

You ever been to the mythical "rural communities" of Appalachia? The Rude Pundit has, hanging out with mule farm owners and miners and others. And they are xenophobic, suspicious, and poor - hell, these redneck fuckers hate white outsiders. Just about every Deliverance-style, Hatfield and McCoy, Ma and Pa Kettle inbred backwards ass country fuck stereotype you ever imagined exists there, complete with their trashed front yards and about a mouth of teeth for every three or four households. And they have every right to hate people who have ripped away the jobs and kept them in deep poverty and ignorance. There's been so many promises broken to the people of Appalachia that they may as well be Indians. Hell, the last time anyone in the federal government gave a happy rat fuck about the region was in the LBJ administration.

See the whole post here.