Friday, May 13, 2005

I'm a liberal

Well, I knew it already, but the Pew Center is doing an online political typology survey in which you respond to some questions and it will tell you where you stand politically. Worth a few minutes of your time.


JC said...

I don't easily fit into politically dichotomous categories, maybe that's why I tested as "Disaffected" which doesn't really fit me because most disaffecteds don't keep up with the news or even read! Most of the time surveys like this don't know what to do with my democratic leanings when it comes to social programs like welfare and my pure hatred of all large entities whether they by government or corporate. Throw in a good dose of social Christian viewpoints and you have a category that doesn't really fit into "liberal" or "conservative." The best label for my political viewpoints is a term I read in Utne called "Crunchy Conservative."

Anonymous said...

I'm a liberal as well. Two peas in a pod.